Teach Your Child the Proper Hand Washing

Has Mother taught Little One how to wash hands properly? Even though it sounds easy, hand washing isn't as trivial as it seems. How to wash hands properly and correctly is very important so that the germs in the hands of the Little Disappear. As a result, your baby will avoid disease. There are various diseases, ranging from mild to dangerous, which can be transmitted through touch. Starting from ARI, diarrhea, pneumonia, intestinal worms, hepatitis A, bronchiolitis, meningitis, and many other diseases caused by viruses or bacteria, can be easily transmitted if we do not wash hands properly. You can imagine what the activities of the Little One makes it at risk for contracting the disease. Play, interact with friends, use stationery, and hold other items. All that can be an intermediary between bacteria and viruses without the child realizing it. Only by touching the eyes, nose, and mouth with hands that are not washed, the child can be directly infected with these germs. So, washing hands is very important and is the first protection on the body of the Little One.

Teach Children How to Wash Hands Correctly

Begin to take care of your child's health by teaching him how to wash hands properly. The trick is as follows:
  • Wet hands with running water.
  • Washing your hands with water alone is not enough to kill germs. So, also prepare hand washing soap for Little. Normal soap is enough, no need for special soap that contains antibacterial.
  • Then, teach Little to rub his hands clean about 15 to 20 seconds. To make it more fun, you can invite Little One to sing the song "little star" instead of counting the number of seconds when washing hands.
  • Clean both palms and back of hands, between fingers, under the nails, to the wrists.
  • Rinse until hands are completely free of soap. Then dry with a dry and clean towel or you can also use a tissue. If washing hands in public places, it is recommended to avoid hand dryers. Because the hand dryer can actually increase the number of bacteria on the hands.

When should the little one wash their hands?

Now, Mother already knows how to teach Little Children to wash their hands properly and why it is so important. The following are some good times to ask your baby to wash your hands:
  • After your child plays outside, be sure to invite him to wash his hands before returning to the house.
  • It is recommended to teach him to wash his hands before eating. You who prepare the food must also wash your hands before, during, and after processing raw materials.
  • In cold and flu season, flu-causing viruses can fly and can easily infect your child. So, remind your child to wash their hands diligently to reduce the risk of infection.
  • Even though it looks clean and fragrant, there are still many bacteria in the toilet. So, it is important for you or even Little to wash your hands after finishing from the toilet. In order to avoid various diseases.
In addition to some of the above, you also need to remind your child to wash their hands after handling animals, feed animals, before and / or after visiting a sick person, after taking out the trash, and also after coughing or sneezing. Loving your child can be expressed in various ways. In addition to providing a variety of toys that are liked and healthy food, you also need to pay attention to the cleanliness of his hands so they are not susceptible to disease. Teach your child to wash their hands cleanly and properly, so that their health is well maintained.


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