Many bad conditions await you because of the effects of staying up late

So far there is no information about the effects of staying up good for health. But on the contrary, the lack of sleep, as one of the bad effects of staying up late, can make physical and mental conditions worse. This is related to the benefits of sleep for the human body. The hours of sleep required by each person differ depending on their age, adults are said to have gotten enough sleep if they sleep for 7-9 hours per day, while children need to sleep for 10-13 hours every day. If you have a hard night's sleep, you can try biphasic sleep. When humans sleep, the body improves physical and mental conditions. Especially in adolescence, sleep is when the body releases growth hormone. This hormone will build muscle mass and repair damaged body tissue.

Bad Night Effects for Health

In addition to excessive sleepiness and frequent yawning, lack of sleep due to staying up late will affect the emotional condition, cognitive abilities, and brain function. The effects of staying up late for health also include increasing the risk of diseases, such as diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, cancer, and heart disease. In addition to the things mentioned above, it turns out there are still many risks that accompany a person's bad habits to stay up. Let's examine one by one the effect of staying up the following:
  • Gain weight

  • Research shows that people who sleep less tend to eat more high-calorie snacks at night. In addition, they also tend to consume high carbohydrate foods with larger portions. Other studies have shown that people who sleep less than seven hours a day tend to gain weight plus an increased risk of obesity compared to people who have enough sleep. Sleep deprivation has to do with increased appetite and increased hunger. For those of you who plan to lose weight, of course staying up late is not a good way to make it happen.
  • The skin looks older

  • In contrast to the growth hormone that is released in smaller amounts when staying up late, lack of sleep makes the hormone cortisol (stress hormone) released in greater amounts. This hormone breaks down collagen in the skin, even though collagen is a protein that makes skin tighter and elastic. Lack of sleep due to staying up late can also cause swollen eyes and skin to turn pale and dull. The habit of staying up for a long time will cause chronic sleep deprivation effects. As a result, fine aging lines arise on the face and make the skin look dull. Ever heard of the term panda eye? Panda eyes are dark circles around the eyes that arise due to dilation of blood vessels behind thin eye skin. Sleep deprivation is a major cause of panda eyes.
  • Forgetful

  • When sleeping, the brain will undergo a process of cell regeneration that is useful for strengthening memories. This process will also move memory and memory to the part of the brain that functions as a place to store long-term memory. Staying up late will inhibit all these processes and increase drowsiness, so you become forgetful and have trouble concentrating. So as not to forget easily, as well as to improve the ability to remember, stop staying up late. Especially for those of you who are busy with school and work activities.
  • Decreased thinking ability

  • The effect of staying up late can reduce the power of reason, the ability to solve problems, and concentration. The ability to pay attention to something and the level of alertness will also decrease. Difficulty focusing can result in accidents when driving or working.
  • Decreases libido

  • Decreased libido is one of the effects of staying up late. When sleep deprived, the body becomes tired, sleepy, reduced energy, increases tension, and eventually becomes less interested in sex.
  • Depression

  • Staying up late means cutting your hours of sleep at night. Most people diagnosed with depression and anxiety are those who sleep less than six hours a night. Not only the habit of staying up late, sleep disorders can also lead to insomnia which is very much related to the condition of depression.
  • Cancer risk

  • It turns out that the effect of staying up late is also related to an increased risk of getting cancer. Research shows that those who have the habit of lack of sleep, or often work shifts at night, have a high risk of developing cancer. Not yet known exactly what the effect of staying up late on the emergence of cancer, but is thought to be related to stress and damage to body cells.
  • Increases risk of death

  • A study states that sleep is only five hours long, can increase the risk of death by 12 percent. This increased risk applies to all causes of death, especially deaths due to heart and blood vessel disease.
After knowing that the effects of staying up late are not good for the body, now is the time for you to think again before deciding to stay up. Try to meet the needs of sleep at least seven hours every day. If there are sleep disorders that make quality or hours of sleep reduced, you can consult a doctor to get further treatment.


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